‘Timbres de France’, Tome 1, 2020 is reviewed by Richard Broadhurst in Journal #291. Published in September 2019 the new edition contains 1500 pages, an increase of 176 from the previous year. It lists stamps to June 2019 with an additional 91 gummed stamps, 147 autoadhésifs and 16 blocs (miniature sheets) including France’s first circular example (Y&T F5325) ‘Sport, couleur, passion’.
New sections added this year include La Lettre Suivie (see below), an overlooked area which is the only source of a number of unique imperforate self-adhesive stamps that collectors of Marianne seek out for a complete collection and a first time listing for Pochettes Souvenirs Emissions Communes. Richard's full review is very comprehensive. Published by Editions Yvert & Tellier, 2 rue de l’Etoile, 80094 Amiens, Cedex 3, France Price: 25E90 plus carriage. For a full review by Richard see our Journal #291
Above are the Marianne de Ciappa Kawena and the Marianne l’engagée pre-stamped Lettre Suivie labels were available from post offces in packets of five.
‘Avis de réception - France and Colonies’ a website exhibit by non-member Professor David Handelman from Ottawa informs us that he has been preparing, country by country, exhibits on the subject of post-GPU/UPU worldwide AR (avis de réception) also known as advice of delivery, double registered, return receipt, acknowledgment of receipt etc). This stunning collection was posted in August* of this year on an exhibit website hosted by American collector and publisher Richard Frajola who lives in Taos, New Mexico. It is indeed an extraordinary collection and will be of interest to all collectors of France and the French Colonies but especially to those who study postal rates. https://www.rfrajola.com/DH2019/DH17.pdf It is highly recommended viewing.
In addition, David invites you to download his 122 page book on AR mail http://www.rfrajola.com/DH2019/1ar.pdf, which is a continuing project dealing with worldwide AR and gives an overview of the subject and covers a wide range of countries. David would love to hear from anyone who can offer corrections and additions for updated versions of his exhibits. He can be contacted by email
Shown above: 1904 distinctive Indochina AR form franked with 10c Type Dubois paying AR fee returned under cover via Singapore to Saigon.
*: Following on from successful purchases in the recent Spink sale of Ed Grabowski’s collections David has updated his exhibit which will be posted on the website later this month. For a full review by Mick Bister see our Journal #29
Be warned: clear your desk, feed the dog and put the children to bed well before starting to explore, for if you have the slightest interest in France and/or its colonies Michael Round guarantees you will still be there hours later, Click here for the Website.
The very contented attendees of the Wessex Group. Eight members and two guests met at the Scout Hut for their final meeting of the year at their October meeting. The meeting started with what has now become a tradition, a glass of champagne. (Right click to enlarge photo)
Auction Secretary steps down
After 8 years Steve Ellis advised the committee that he wished to step down as Auction Secretary in order to spend more time on other commitments. We are indebted to him for all he has done and he will be sorely missed but he has found an able successor in our auditor David Parmley. David takes over from the beginning of 2020.
Steve has organised 23 auctions in 8 years with 10,972 lots.
70th Anniversary Celebrations
This year we marked yet another major step in the life of our Society as we celebrated the 70th anniversary of its launching in 1949. The ‘offcial’ celebration of our platinum anniversary took place after the AGM held at Charlecote on 2nd March. If you were unable to attend the celebration please free feel to pour yourself a glass of champagne and toast the Society’s health in your own armchair.
Our longest standing member George Nash (N° 30) was invited to contribute to the Journal's anniversary edition as has Bill Mitchell (N° 50), who likewise contributed an article. Bill served the Society for many years as Auction Secretary and has been a regular contributor to the Journal and this has been recognised by being presented with the Long Service Award.